John 14:27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

4 responses to “ John 14:27 ”

  1. Roy says:

    So, tonight we read this scripture as part of our family scripture study. Then we all tried to say it together. (a bit of chaos there)

    Tomorrow we will be making some observations about how it helps us in our lives and circumstances. Mom is going to post it on the fridge so that we will all see it each day.

    As so it starts….

  2. Esther Bates-Baker says:


  3. Roy says:

    We read this scripture again as a family. And we discussed that this scripture was Christ talking to his disciples He first explained that Heavenly Father would send the Holy Ghost to help them remember and be comforted.

    We discussed that the world defines peace as the absence of war or fighting, or conflict. But Christ doesn’t define peace that way. He defines peace as the comfort and steadiness that comes from the presence of the Holy Ghost. That even in times of trouble and tragedy, if we have the Holy Ghost with us, we can feel peace. We can receive guidance and protection.

    This is the peace that Christ offers us. Not the kind of peace the world can offer.

  4. Roy says:

    Day Three, and we have worked on learning this scripture again. We discussed that seeing and reading this scripture often during the day can change the way we feel.

    We discussed that learning some lessons from this particular scripture can help us have greater peace in our home and keep us from raising our voices to each other.

    We also discussed ways and places that we can post this and other scriptures to help us keep this in front of us more often. The list included; Refrigerator, Bathroom Mirror, Lockers at School, Front of Notebooks, and leaving up the website on computers so that the scripture is just a click away.

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